These flavorful Chipotle Black Beans are easy to make and can be used in many different ways. The chipotle peppers give these protein-packed black beans a...
This Easy Marinated Tofu is prepared quickly and marinates overnight. It has big flavor and can be enjoyed in many different ways. Pack it as a...
Looking for a delicious vegetarian dinner the whole family will love? This easy Mediterranean Tortellini Bake is packed with veggies and flavor and comes together quickly....
This red and green Holiday Pesto Pasta Salad is a perfect, make-ahead recipe that can be enjoyed warm or chilled. This simple yet flavorful pasta salad...
When I think about the holiday season and entertaining, my mind immediately goes to appetizers. Bite-sized appetizers are the best kind, and these Dill Deviled Eggs...
This Sweet and Spicy BBQ Chickpea Pizza is an elevated vegetarian dinner packed with flavor. The BBQ sauce is tangy, the goat cheese is creamy, and...
It’s easy to think of winter seasonal produce as boring and lacking color, but that is far from the truth! We may not have vibrant spring...
This Cheesy Green Chile Pinto Bean recipe is cozy and flavorful. This delicious bean dish is a great one-pan vegetarian meal that can be enjoyed as...
This Parmesan Ranch-Crusted Cauliflower requires just three primary ingredients and is incredibly easy to make. This flavorful vegetable side dish is a great way to get...
Looking for a fancy-looking bite-sized appetizer that’s simple and easy to make? These Balsamic Onion and Goat Cheese Puff Pastry Bites are just that. The crispy...
This Vegetarian Pizza Casserole with White Beans and Rice recipe checks off so many boxes! It’s meat-free, protein-packed, flavorful, easy to make, and perfect for a...
Looking for a simple, veggie-centric side dish for Thanksgiving that doesn’t require an oven? This Easy Spinach Salad can be thrown together in about 10 minutes...
This Loaded Lentil Salad is packed with flavor and protein! Lentils are nutritional powerhouses, and this salad is great for keeping you fueled all day long....
November is still considered part of the fall season, but it’s also usually when the weather gets really cold. It’s not uncommon for us to have...
My Creamy Pinto Bean Pumpkin Soup is easy to make and requires only a few main ingredients. Make a big pot and enjoy this soup for...
My Cheesy Buffalo Butternut Squash Pasta is easy to make and packed with flavor! This cozy vegetarian pasta recipe is perfect for chilly fall and winter...