Vegan sausage pasta sauce skillet with white beans, walnuts, sun dried tomato, is a simple, one-pan recipe that comes together really quickly with everyday ingredients. Instead...
These Smoky Tofu Tacos are a prime example of fusion food – bursting with Tex Mex and Indian flavors and packed with protein and fiber from...
Cinnamon apples are simply my jam, but I especially love them during the Fall when apples are in season. And what better way to enjoy warm,...
The best red lentil sausages rolls with the flavours of a good Indian dahl in flaky golden puff pastry and even better they are dairy-free and...
Kadhi pakora is a popular, homestyle North Indian curry starring crispy vegetable pakora fritters in a creamy yogurt curry sauce. This version is from North Indian...
Have you ever had tabbouleh? It’s the perfect fresh and tasty summer salad. Well, this isn’t your usual tabbouleh salad – it’s made extra special with...