What a year it has been!! Ups and downs personally and in the world, and so much more to come, extremes of everything, many changes on...
Learn how to make your own Indian Dal Tadka (lentil soup mix) in a jar! Dry soup mixes are a perfect holiday gift, and it makes...
Spicy-sweet-buttery gochujang caramel cookies are chewy perfection! They’re caramelly and absolutely delicious. These almond flour cookies are quick easy vegan and gluten-free Spicy cookies might sound strange...
This easy, vegan lentil Wellington with mushrooms and vegetables, is perfect for holidays and potlucks. A flavorful lentil-mushroom loaf wrapped in crisp puff pastry is a...
Khichdi – also called kitchari – is a cozy lentil rice stew, and khichdi in a jar is a great gift to introduce this delicious Indian...
Homemade chai spice mix is a perfect holiday food gift! Or, keep it all to yourself, so you can make authentic chai(Indian tea) any time you...
This simple Ethiopian split pea stew, kik alicha, is a warming main dish with just six ingredients. Serve with Injera, flatbread or rice. (gluten-free, nut-free, soy-free)....
This deeply seasoned vegetable pot pie has this amazing creamy white masala sauce that is flavored with from garam masala and other Indian spices! Topped with...
Learn to make the best ever Indian restaurant style Vegan Butter Chicken! Marinated and crisped Tofu in a creamy, decadent Indian butter curry sauce, the most...
These are amazing dinner rolls! They’re soft and moist and come together really easily using everyday ingredients. They’re perfect for the holiday table or any time...
These mini pot pies with a filling inspired by Tuscan chicken are a super delicious entree! You bake these cozy, savory pot pies in a muffin...
Chili miso pasta is a fusion you didn’t know you needed! It combines a cheesy, Italian-inspired sauce with some heat and miso, paired with spicy tofu...
Looking for a vegan main course for Christmas dinner or Thanksgiving this year? Then why not try this tasty no turkey festive roast?